Aadhar losses its identity after the SC verdict

In a very significant verdict, the Supreme Court has ruled that Aadhar card is not mandatory for providing central and state government services. Governments should not insist on Aadhar as an identity card.

The SC’s verdict has practically nullified Aadhar projec which has consumed thousands of crores from the government purse.  For the government, Aadhar project has emerged as a big governance improvement programme and the government machinery has spent thousands of man days and efforts to realize the programme. People have also spent many days to complete their Aadhar registration procedures, standing in long ques.

The verdict came after a PIL filed at the Supreme Court. The SC Bench also instructed the government not to issue Aadhar card to migrants. This instruction form the court has supportive of the doubts that the project may adversely affect national security issues.

On its implementation phase, Aadhar project triggered debates on many related issues. An important one was the Aadhar card issue to migrants from neighboring countries. Similarly, many have objected the piling of very important personal data of citizens with public authorities which is not consistent in efficiently handling such information.  Pundits have also hinted that many Aadhar like projects in countries like Great Britain were abandoned later.

Over the last couple of years, the Government was initiating many steps to migrate to the Aadhar platform for delivering its services and schemes. Many of the ongoing and proposed social benefit transfer programmes like LPG subsidies, food security programmes and various registrations were proposed on the Aadhar identification.

The verdict of the SC will have many ramifications on future government programmes which needs people’s participation. Many people related with the topic have raised concerns that the government has not given adequate attention and behaved without thinking amidst the hype related with electronic programme touching the masses.