Expect legalization on Aadhaar as a national id for government programmes

Now Aadhaar especially the JAM trinity has emerged as the workhorse behind the efficient supply of subsidies to people.

So far, Aadhar has not got any primary ID status as there are many reservations against it. Still, it has transformed the way in which government provide freebees to the targeted group.

According to the government, subsidies like fuel subsidy have been reduced by 24 % because of JAM delivery.

This budget has launched DBT for fertilizer subsidies ion a pilot basis.

Now the second major JAM revolution going to take place in food subsidy. The government is thinking about JAM mode delivery of PDS goods. The major problem is the lack of infrastructure in fair price shops.

This budget has made a serious effort in digitalizing PDS shops.

Another major areas where aadhar has a big value is digital transitions. Already, the NPCIL is implementing several measures for cashless transactions using the various transaction facilities.