“Every election is determined by the people who show up.” ― says Larry J. Sabato. If it is true then the 2014 Kashmir elections would turn out to be a grand success with respect to the Voter participation. Voting is one of the tools to analyze the nature of democracy a Country posses. It helps in determining the nature of citizen i.e., whether he/she is Active or Passive. Kashmir disproves the international community’s suspicions regarding the integration of Kashmir with rest of India. The turnout in elections is an indication for J&K shedding away its parochial political culture. Kashmir elections have become an example among the world nations which experience similar socio economic and political atmosphere. J&K has been struggling for the past 2-3 decades from insurgency, militancy and terrorism. It demonstrates the world how to ignore the opposing forces. The trend is expected to continue in the last phase of the elections also. Kashmir elections are always different. It is watched not only by the country but also by the international community. Kashmir can no longer be labeled as alienated or estranged from the rest of the Nation. Thus it turns out to be a bad irritant for separatists and jihadists operating from Pakistani soil. India‘s electoral processes are always amusing. The outcome of the elections would be out on December 23. Whatever be the outcome the participation of the people demonstrates the expectation that solutions would be provided for their basic problems. Militancy has stalled the development process of the State for the last two decades. Unemployment is rampant creating stress among the youth. Adding oil to the fire the state faces acute shortage of electricity, water and education. The voter turnout of 71 % is a message to both separatists who dreamt of derailing the elections and to the political class who aim to rule the state. Militant attacks over the past two months particularly after the declaration of elections and minor attacks on polling days had not at all deterred the voters. The reason being the firm belief of the voters in bringing changes to their lives by taking part in the voting process. Time has reached where bullets and bombs can no longer deter the citizens. It seems that population wants a change in both the manner of Governance and the Governors. More clarity would be attained in days to come. “Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country”- Franklin D. Roosevelt. Kashmir proves FDR