India can realize its ambitious 100 GW solar energy target

India’s solar energy production target of 100 GW is ambitious but realizable according to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

Joint Sectretary Tarun Kapoor has stated that production will reach 6500 MW this year and may cross 20000 MW next year.

The renewable energy target is set 175 GW by 2022 out of which the leader solar energy itself has a target of 100 GW.

In the last few months, India has made large scale solar generation capacities. Telengana has now emerged as a lead state in solar energy. But in terms of total production Rajasthan, Gujarat and Tamilnadu leads the pack.

The Joint Secretary has also elaborated the transmission problems and related to solar energy. “We have to analyze our constraints and other issues such as distribution companies should be able to buy solar power etc. This is being taken care of. Another is the transmission network on which the government is committed and working.”

He defended the high target indicating that China adds 12000 MW solar energy annually. China has recently overtaken Germany as the lead generator. China has an installed capacity of 43000 MW now.

“What we are attempting, at our peak we will be for 15000 to 16000 MW solar power generating capacity annually to match our target”- Joint Secretary has added.
