Pakistan surges as South Asia’s Italy on the Covid front

As the Covid threat getting the real pandemic nature in Europe, a new front is opening in South Asia in the form of Pakistan. In the last twenty-four hours, Pakistan added 83 Covid affected persons taking the total figure to 136.

South Asia with people showing opposition for soial distancing is a risk prone area for local transmisison. New trend of rising cases came just one day after Prime Minister Modi made a vidoeconferencing with South Asian dignatories.

The new shocking Covid data came just one day after Prime Minister Modi made a vidoeconferencing with South Asian dignatories, has made it the largest affected country in South Asia.

With nearly, one-seventh of India’s populaiton, Pakistan’s weakening defence against Covid becomes a new concern for the entire region. India registered a less number 120 persons as per the latest data available for March 16th.

Pakistan lies between two big Covid affected nations – China and Iran. Transport facilities with these two neighbours also quickened Pakistan’s misery. Pilgrim returnees from Iran accelerated Covid cases in Pakistan.

On the other hand, India is getting Covid patients largely from west Asian ands European nations.

Bulk of the new Covid cases reported on March 16, came from Sindh with 83 new cases. The Mountainous tribal province – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) also reported 15 cases pushing the number from 53 to 136 Monday.

Rising number of Covid incidence in Pakistan is dangerous in the context of the country’s poor health facilities, socially resistant population and weak financials of the government.

Polio vaccination itself was resisted at several provinces. Pakistan is one of the rare countries that has not evacuated its citizens from China fearing domestic transmission.

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