Paris moves towards a historic climatic agreement

A historic climate accord was finalized at the Paris Climate talks regarding climate change countering emission reduction. The draft agreement that was reached on Saturday will be forwarded to the Ministers to ratify it.

The host country’s ambassador to the talks- Laurent Fabius, described the achievement as a milestone and stated that the delegates have formally accepted a draft.

Initial reports indicate that the developed countries agreed to extend $100 bn assistance to help developing countries to deal with climate change. This assistance will start flowing from 2020. In return, they demanded the whole developing world to introduce tougher rules to limit emissions.

Some rich countries offered further assistance in future beyond the $100 bn but only if big emerging economies like China and India are contributing as donors.

On this dimension, India raised objections but the ‘senior’ developed countries clarified that it is a ‘soft stand’ and not a compelling one.

In the discussions, leaders from island countries demanded temperature increase target should be brought down to 1.5%. But oil producing states like Saudi Arabia opposed it.

As far as the new agreement is concerned, it has been on the construction table since 2011.

In the coming days, the schedule of the talk is discussion by senior representatives including Ministers to finalize the draft. Once it is signed the new accord will be the first by the entire world to reduce carbon emissions and will guide climate protection activities in the coming decades.

It is reported that delegates at the talk hold and intimate desire to strike an agreement to save the planet despite conflicting interests to reduce individual burden.

At the same time, initial reports about the draft shows that there are some flexible clauses that may still weaken the commitment by not so willing countries.  Future negotiations and final assertions are needed not to make these as potential minefields so that the effort of the conference is not failed.

“We are talking about life itself” Laurent Fabius described about the importance of the talk and the outcome. 
